Since we have moved overseas, six months ago, I found myself trying to find something familiar. I ended up coming back to my love of drawing. It has been many years since I really sat down to draw. I have never really "sketched" before, so this is something new for me. I would usually sit and "draw" and it would takes hours upon hours to get something on paper and sometimes I would never finish. I have come to absolutely love fast sketching.
Below is some of my recent work I started about two months ago…. I had to start somewhere, so stop laughing :)
The dresser in our room.

The curtains in our room.

My shoe

View of our neighborhood from our roof.

A local ancient Candi (temple) in our neighborhood. Candi Badut.

My first attempt at sketching a person. This is my wife playing Farmville

A bridge going into our nieghborhood.

My hand at adding color.

My second attempt at sketching a person. This is my youngest daughter sleeping on the couch.

My third attempt at sketching a person. My oldest daughter on Facebook.

My fourth attempt at sketching a person. Our pembantu (helper), Lasmi, preparing supper.

My fifth attempt at sketching a person. This is my youngest again. I was trying a different style of sketching.