The following sketches are of the return trip to Jogjakarta to pick up the kids from camp.
This is what greets you when you enter the Jogjakarta airport. They are called Niozo players. The Niozo is an instrument that makes an incredibly soothing tone. The sounds seem to just roll across air.
This was a bit unusual fro me. This is just one side of a HUGE chandelier that was being sold in the air port. Why they would sell a chandelier in an airport, I have no idea. The details looked like a challenge so I took them on.
This was a young man sleeping at the train station in Jogjakarta. He was surrounded by friends, but he looked like the most interesting to sketch. After I sketched him, his friends wanted to see. They then proceeded to wake Rizal and show him. He simply raised his head and gave me a thumbs up, then laid back down. One of the girls that was with them took some pictures of me and my friend then asked if she could have my pen I drew him with. I politely gave it to her. I had another one at home.
This is the five hour train ride home. This is Cliff and one of his daughters sleeping on him.